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5 comm'ento:
bagi tau SKMM ! haaa !
its normal bro. everyone do that (;
tak caya ke bangsat? tapi account fb tu aku taktau laaa. haha
haha serious weh. kat fb pun sama -.-
They help to build the imagination of the child and make for wonderful past times that work the brain and the creative faculties.
Being Lego there is of course a construction element to all the games and this is a great way to get younger
fans into game play beyond computers. The LEGO Minotaurus
comes with a rule booklet, instruction manual to build the board, one
building LEGO dice, one building board, 12 LEGO micro figures and 224
LEGO pieces.
my weblog - lego police :: http://mayunwana.Com/index.php?title=redaktor:torstenbe :
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